Unable to install downloadable app

I was trying to update the PPK II software, but I am receiving a error message: "Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir 'D:\'"

Well, in my Windows environment, the "D:"  is a disk partition for temporary files (TEMP=D:\).  Then if the instalation software is trying to create a directory d:\,  this operation will be denied.

I removed the previous version, but the problem still happen.

Could you help me?



  • Hi Claudio

    Just a quick question. Where is your other nRF Connect for desktop apps stored? The feedback I got from our developers was that there was no way to change the process and they asked if you could run the installer as admin. I'm not sure if this will work for it the app tries to place the files there permanently as it as a temp drive as you said



  • It is installed here: "C:\Users\Claudio Rosa\AppData\Local\Programs\nrfconnect\nRF Connect for Desktop.exe

    The problem is happening when I try to install other apps...... 

    I already tried to install as administrator, but the problem is the same.

    With some of applications that we have under "nRF Connect for Desktop" to be installed, they are having the same error message when I try to install them.

    I saw in some Forums people doing a relationship with a Windows PATH for npm as the root cause, but it didn´t work for me.

  • Hi thanks for your patience. I'm waiting to hear back from the Nrf Connect for desktop team and will update you when I have anything. 



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