how to update softdevice bootloader and applicaiton through DFU?


     I can upgrade applicaiton ONLY sucessfully through DFU.

    but now, i want to upgrade applicaiton+softdeivce+bootloader to deployed devices.   do you have such documets on this aspect?  thanks!

Best Regards

Benson jiang


  • Hello,

    You can update the Softdevice + bootloader + application by creating a combined DFU zip package that contains all three updates as explained in  Getting started with Nordic's Secure DFU bootloader, a step by step guide  . See the "Update softdevice and bootloader" section.

    Best regards,


  • Dear Vidar:

       under your help, now, i can upgrade the softdevice+bootloader+app successfully.

      but i meet a new issue, that is the provision data will be lost during this process, the provisioned device will become unprovisioned device after DFU.

      is there a method to keep the provison data during softdevice+bootloader+app DFU?

      thanks a lot!

    Best Regards

    Benson jiang

  • Dear Benson,

    Is the provisioning data stored in the 'application data' section, and is this area reserved by the NRF_DFU_APP_DATA_AREA_SIZE symbol in your bootloader? If NRF_DFU_APP_DATA_AREA_SIZE is set to '0', the bootloader will be allowed to overwrite the whole area during DFU.

    Best regards,


  • Dear Vidar:

      NRF_DFU_APP_DATA_AREA_SIZE has been set as 12288 as the default in bootloader.

      so i don't know why the device will be become unprovsioned  from provisioned state after DFU.


    let me do more explaination:

     Device1:   Mesh 5.0.0  device,its firmware is:

      s132_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.hex +    nRF5_SDK_17.0.2 secure bootloader + light_switch_client_v5.0.0.1.hex

     I provisioned this device, then i do an DFU update,  the DFU zip file incluses:

    s132_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.hex +    nRF5_SDK_17.0.2 secure bootloader + light_switch_client_v5.0.0.2.hex

     that means i update the applicaiton FW from v5.0.0.1 to v5.0.0.2.

    after DFU, the device still keeps in provisioned state and behavior well.

    Device2:   Mesh 3.1.0  device,its firmware is:

    s132_nrf52_6.1.0_softdevice.hex+   nRF5_SDK_15.2.0 +secure bootloader + light_switch_client_v3.1.0.1.hex

     I provisioned this device, then i do an DFU update,  the DFU zip file incluses:

    s132_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.hex +    nRF5_SDK_17.0.2 secure bootloader + light_switch_client_v5.0.0.2.hex

     that means i did an great update, update the the device from a Mesh 3.1.0 based device to a Mesh 5.0.0 based device.

    after DFU, the device will become unprovisioned. 

    in Device2, we will use Applicaiton Area to upgrade the and softdevice bootloader. so i want to know during upgrade the softdevice and bootloader, will it erase the NRF_DFU_APP_DATA_AREA?

     and is it feasible to keep device still in provsioned state we do such a big upgrade?

    thanks a lot!

    Best Regards

    Benson jiang
