Can't get any program running when flashing a custom board with Fanstel BM832 (nRF52832)

I'm having a really frustrating time with a custom 7 segment display board I'm developing for scorekeeping.  It seems to be successfully flashing using a Segger EDU mini, but I can't get any bluetooth signal or flash any GPIO.  I know that could be any of a dozen things, but let me run through the troubleshooting steps I've taken.  I'm in VScode and I'm pretty sure I've got the general things set up correctly.  I've worked with several devkits and have made and programed custom boards before with no issues.  

As far as the programmer is concerned it's flashing successfully.  (this is a basic blinky sample just trying to get anything to work)

The programming interface is one of these tag-connect cables that connects directly to the board.

My first thought would be the power is inconsistent or some kind of noisy ground issue, but these modules come with a pre-programed bluetooth sample, and it is working great (checked by nrf-connect app) upon plugging the boards in for the first time.  The bluetooth signal goes away after I program them. I have also tried programming them with an nrf52 devkit with the solder jumper closed so that it sends power directly to the board through the programming cable with the same result.

I have previously had the issue where the pin reset wasn't configured, so I have tried power cycling after programming with no effect.

I had these built by a board house (PCBWay) and they always do a great job, so I really don't think it's bad connections.

I have double and triple checked the programmer connections over and over with the datasheets, and I'm pretty sure they're correct.  I believe it's a configuration issue.  I think I have a good understanding of hardware, and an OK understanding of the firmware, but the configuration, especially the board files, are my weakness.  I have taken two of the academy classes (beginner and BLE) and am working through the intermediate, but it's just not clicking yet when it comes to boards and devicetree.

I don't know exactly what logs or project files someone might find useful if they were going to help me.  I designed the board in kicad:

and the firmware I'm working on for this prototype is here:

If anyone is willing to help me get an idea of what I'm doing wrong, I would be extremely grateful.  I have spent dozens of hours slamming my head against this and have not made a single bit of progress.  Please let me know any other info that might be needed or any tests I should run.


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