Using NRF52 (NRF52832) as bluetooth module for my psoc 6


I have a mbed application, which runs on a PSOC6 MCU, i am going to be using a fanstel BC832 (which is based of NRF52832)BT module for RF-communication. To verify that my project can run on the fanstel module, I have the nRF52, until I get my board with the fanstel module. I am using mbed 5.14.1, which uses cordio stack for uart communication with the bt module. 

So i got two question: 
1) is there a specfic .hex which needs to be on my nRF52 when using it as a BT module? if, where can i find this? 
2) Might be out of scope, but how do i configure my mbed setup, so i am using the correct nordic drivers? 


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