nRF91 certificate provisioning over RTT


we would like to provision TLS tags / certificates for cloud authentication over Segger RTT on a custom device. We are using the Golioth cloud with the Golioth Firmware SDK, which supports using the nRF91 Key Management Unit for authentication.

I successfully provisioned TLS certificates using the modem_shell sample from NCS, but only via UART. For this, I entered `at at_cmd_mode start`, and then issued the necessary AT%CMNG commands. Afterwards, a connection to the Golioth cloud using the certificates succeeded.

However, when using RTT, in the modem shell `at_cmd_mode`, I get no responses from the device; and when issuing `at AT%CMNG=1` from the modem shell (mosh), the certificates are not listed.

Is there a way to send the multi-line certificates over RTT? Simply quoting them and then using the mosh at command failed, since a line break is interpreted as the end of the command. I also tried removing the line breaks from the certificate, but in that case, the authentication would fail.

I am using NCS v2.5.0 along with modem firmware v1.3.6.

Any help is appreciated!

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