How to introduce the LE-Audio function

1. Can I use the sample source (nRF5340 Audio) on another board?

2. Is there a way to develop without using the sample source? If so, how?

3. Is the LE Audio sample source not supported by VSCODE?

4. If not, what kind of environment should I use to debug?

  • Hello Junichi,

    1. Can I use the sample source (nRF5340 Audio) on another board?

    Yes, you can use this on another board. Though you might have to modify it, as the audio sample might use features of the board that you might not have on your own.

    2. Is there a way to develop without using the sample source? If so, how?

    Yes, that is theoretically possible. Though it will be a lot more complex than to use the demo as a starting point, and trying to modify it. Any particular reason why you do not want to use the sample source code?

    3. Is the LE Audio sample source not supported by VSCODE?

    Getting it working as quickly as other samples is not supported. In order to get it working without the script you would have to follow these steps here, which can be cumbersome. This is why we still recommend using our script for this.

    4. If not, what kind of environment should I use to debug?

    I think you can still debug using VSC, though then you might have to set up the building configuration in the cumbersome way I referred to above. 

    You can alternatively use Ozone for debugging, which allows you to attach to a running program. You can easily open Ozone from VSC.

    Let me know if there is anything else!



  • Thank you for your answer.

    1. Audio codec IC
    Can I use other audio codec ICs?
    I want to use the codec ICs AK5720VT for the transceiver and AK4432VT for the receiver.

    2. CODEC and BLE connection
    I changed the setting interface to I2C to use the CODEC IC shown in 1.
    I also changed the I2S port number.
    After making the above changes, the nRF5340 Audio DK can no longer connect to BLE.
    Is there a relationship between the audio part processing and the BLE connection processing?
    Also, if I make changes to the audio part, is it necessary to add any processing?

    3. About BLE connection
    The sample code automatically connects to BLE after power is turned on.
    Is it possible to connect at any time?

    4. BLE bonding information
    Where in the sample code is the BLE bonding information managed?

  • Hi,

    Junichi said:
    Can I use other audio codec ICs?

    Yes. I'm not familiar with 3rd party products, but almost any HW Codec will work. The crucial thing is that is must support being an I2S slave, and they should be reasonably immune to clock jitter (as we adjust the audio clock (PLL) to keep devices in sync).

    Junichi said:
    2. CODEC and BLE connection

    Hmm I can ask the relevant R&D team. My understanding is that it wouldn't necessarily have to be a relationsship between the two that stops the connection, though this could lead to some error which can stop the connection.

    Are you getting any errors in the logs?

    Junichi said:
    3. About BLE connection

    Yes. That is just how to the sample functions. You are free to modify this however you see fit.

    Junichi said:
    4. BLE bonding information

    Have a look at this previous case about this topic.



  • Thank you for your answer.

    Please tell me how to output the log.

    Since VSCODE is not supported, I am running the script in release mode.

    I am running the script with the following command.

    python -c both -b release -d both -m internal -M

    python -c both -b release -d both -m internal -M -p --recover_on_fail

    Should I run the above with -b debug?

    Please also tell me where the log is generated.

  • Junichi said:

    Please tell me how to output the log.

    If the code runs into issues I think it would outbut something on its COM port. You can have a look at this by for instance using our extension in Visual Studio Code: find the Development Kit in the Drop Down menu called Connected Devices, and press the button with the cable Icon called "connect to serial port".

    Junichi said:

    I am running the script with the following command.

    Looks good. You could also add "--pristine" to make sure everything builds from scratch, including configurations.  

    You're not having issues getting the default sample to build and run, right?



  • Junichi said:

    Please tell me how to output the log.

    If the code runs into issues I think it would outbut something on its COM port. You can have a look at this by for instance using our extension in Visual Studio Code: find the Development Kit in the Drop Down menu called Connected Devices, and press the button with the cable Icon called "connect to serial port".

    Junichi said:

    I am running the script with the following command.

    Looks good. You could also add "--pristine" to make sure everything builds from scratch, including configurations.  

    You're not having issues getting the default sample to build and run, right?



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