Terminal dropping messages

Good afternoon, 

I am trying to send some analog data from a function generator to my nRF7002 DK and visualize the output in Putty. I use printk to print the values and I see that I have a lot of messages being dropped (I constantly get  --- 17 messages dropped --- for some applications and a lot more for others). Can you please help me increase the size of the print buffer? Or there might be another problem?

Thank you. 

Parents Reply
  • Hi,


    You are printing in an interrupt handler, which will block the system (logger) from running.

    Try printing your saadc buffer from main context instead by setting a flag or similar in saadc_evet_handler() function.


    Also; remember that your UART is running at 115k2 baud, which isn't that fast. Printing 8k buffers will take some time, and you risk underrun due to the serial interface being too slow compared to your saadc sampling.


    Kind regards,


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