Location of nRF5 SDK documentation on docs.nordicsemi.com?

I am currently developing with the nRF5 SDK and infocenter.nordicsemi.com is the best location to find information on this legacy firmware. I am aware that the nrfConnect SDK is the preferred platform going forward and we are working on the transition but in the mean time we will be stuck on the old SDK. 

I noticed that infocenter.nordicsemi.com has this Disclaimer: 

Important: This website will be taken offline by 2024-06-18 and replaced with docs.nordicsemi.com, where all Nordic technical documentation is already accessible.

But i can not seem to find the nRF5 SDK documentation on the TechDocs portal? Are the old SDK docs on the new site? If they are could someone point me to the right location?

Thank you. 

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