trace Zigbee zdo service discovery requests

If I purchase a Zigbee endpoint device off the shelf (for example an SOS button) and I added to my nrf Zigbee network(routers and coordinator and other endpoints I have developed), can I trace the zdo service discovery request that device is sending? (basically trace the zb_zdo_match_desc_req parameters like profile_id and clusters that device is trying to find?)

  • Hello,

    can I trace the zdo service discovery request that device is sending?

    By trace, do you mean sniffing? If yes: you can sniff the packets sent by the off the shelf device with an nRF Sniffer for 802.15.4.

    If this is not what you are after, please explain what you need.

    Best regards,


  • I have a sniffer running, but the Zigbee communications are not decoded by Wireshark.

    I see only the 802.15.4 headers. Isn't the Zigbee encrypted? Can I disable it?

    Let's say you have some Zigbee_shell in the network and it runs a 'zdo match_desc' query.

    I want to be able to decode the parameters of that query (from another router/network coordinator of that network)

    I have the source code for the other router/network coordinator in the network (based on nRF connect SDK)

    So I guess my question will be if there is any callback in ZBOSS stack to track all the 'zdo match_desc' queries.

  • I have a sniffer running, but the Zigbee communications are not decoded by Wireshark.

    I see only the 802.15.4 headers. Isn't the Zigbee encrypted? Can I disable it?

    Let's say you have some Zigbee_shell in the network and it runs a 'zdo match_desc' query.

    I want to be able to decode the parameters of that query (from another router/network coordinator of that network)

    I have the source code for the other router/network coordinator in the network (based on nRF connect SDK)

    So I guess my question will be if there is any callback in ZBOSS stack to track all the 'zdo match_desc' queries.
