Unaligned memory access

The thread where it happens is "unknown” despite the fact I name all the threads I create. With addr2line I found that it is zephyr/kernel/timeout.c 56 but it says nothing to explain what I have to fix. all threads have sufficient stack size. 

randomly get the same problem as mentioned in the topic. If I comment/delete some part of my code this error pop ups. No, the part I delete is not in use when this error is happening. I just don’t understand what is the trigger and how to fix that

  • This often happens if you have exceeded the stack space allocated to a thread in Zephyr.  Specifically you overflow the stack and it can cause random crashes in random places. 

    I have also seen when I used certain sizes of stack, it would place the stack in one memory location and the system would crash.  I could not find what the system was doing in that memory location, but we avoided it and marked it up to a random Zephyr/Nordic bug.  It was on our list to go back and root cause. 

  • This often happens if you have exceeded the stack space allocated to a thread in Zephyr.  Specifically you overflow the stack and it can cause random crashes in random places. 

    I have also seen when I used certain sizes of stack, it would place the stack in one memory location and the system would crash.  I could not find what the system was doing in that memory location, but we avoided it and marked it up to a random Zephyr/Nordic bug.  It was on our list to go back and root cause. 

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