Please don't take down the old documentation! New documentation site is missing vital descriptions,

Your old documentation website ttps:// carries a banner saying it will be shut down on 18 June 2024. Please don't do this! I can't find equivalent documentation on the new site at


I am reading detailed description of the NRF_LOG module here:

This provides lengthy descriptions of how the logger works. I can't find this text at the new site here:

Only doxygen-style lists of macros etc. Is the detailed description there? If so it is so well hiddent that I can't find it. I fear that it is simply not there.

PLEASE PLEASE don't remove the old documentation until all of the material has been moved across and it easily found!

  • Hello, 

    Unfortunately taking down the old documentation is the plan :/ 

    Have a look at the response from Bartosz below, in which he explains where to find what you were asking about in the new documentation page. All of the info from infocenter should be moved to the new page; we won't remove anything.

    Let us know if there is anything else you have trouble finding, or if there is something that would make the new documentation page easier to use!



  • Well it might be there but it is fiendishly difficult to find. You write :"Let us know if there is anything else you have trouble finding, or if there is something that would make the new documentation page easier to use!" and the answer is decent indexing or searching.

    Take the example of the logging module, where I want to find the top-level description.I start at the doc site here and try to find it by following the links:  nRF52 Series, nRF52832, then where do I go? I don't want the two options provided: nRF Connect SDK or "developing with..." Or back to the top and type NRF_LOG into the search bar - I get 10 search results and the most likely seems "nRF5 SDK v17.1.0: SDK common libraries" -> "Logger Module" then I get a list of modules: Logger Configuration, Flash logger backend etc - all of which lead to the Doxygen type documentation.

    How on earth do I find the page you pointed me to?I can see the information I want is here at but how do I find it if I don't already know the URL?

    IMHO you need an easy and quick way for users to get to the desired page fast, like the index on the left-hand pane here:

    Thank you.

  • Thanks for letting us know about what you find lacking in the docs.

    I for one can often find it a bit arbitrary where things are placed in all documentation (not just ours). Though I like the example of finding the NRF_LOG module, as that was rather logical to me. In infocenter, you might have a better overview with the smaller tree-structure on the left, but you are essentially going to: Software Development Kit > Previous versions of nRF5 SDK > nRF5 SDK v15.2.0 > Libraries > Logger module.

    In the new documentation you go to: nRF5 SDK -> Libraries -> Logger module. 

    So it is essentially the same thing, just slightly shorter, and less convoluted.

    Acutetech said:
    Take the example of the logging module, where I want to find the top-level description.I start at the doc site here and try to find it by following the links:  nRF52 Series, nRF52832, then where do I go?

    I think this wouldn't lead you to the correct place on infocenter either. nRF52 Series > nRF52832 just leads you to the PS and hw descriptions.

    Acutetech said:
    Or back to the top and type NRF_LOG into the search bar - I get 10 search results and the most likely seems "nRF5 SDK v17.1.0: SDK common libraries" -> "Logger Module" then I get a list of modules: Logger Configuration, Flash logger backend etc - all of which lead to the Doxygen type documentation.

    Yeah I understand how that is a bit annoying. I am seeing that same thing here. Unless I type exactly "logger module" (ie. not "log module" or "logging module") I won't find it. We should work on the search bar. I did find the searching on infocenter worse though. In the new one you have an easier time just searching the current publication, and applying filters. 

    Acutetech said:
    IMHO you need an easy and quick way for users to get to the desired page fast, like the index on the left-hand pane here:

    You do have a similar index on the left side in the new documentation too, you just have to start by pressing either a product or a tool. I am not sure how you used to find things in the previous documentation, but exploring everything with the index on the left side is still possible. I personally find that it helps to zoom-out a bit, so that I don't have to scroll so much.

    I am glad that you are using DevZone to ask when you have trouble finding something though. Please feel free to ask us, as well as the new AI feature here on DevZone (on the bottom right) if you have issues finding anything in the documentation in the future. And please let me know if you have any more suggestions for the documentation, and I'll forward them to the relevant team.



  • Thanks for taking the time to respond, and I hope you can improve search etc.

    You ask "I am not sure how you used to find things in the previous documentation" - actually, usually with Google. I type in the subject and often with "Nordic" or "nrf52832" and usually there is a link to infocentre in the top one or two search results.

    Example of what I am working with right now I type "libuarte buffers" and the top search result is


    Now all those Google links are going to be broken :-(

  • Acutetech said:
    actually, usually with Google.

    Yeah I typically find myself doing that too. It works great for DevZone as well, its hard to match google in its search capabilities. And speaking of DevZone, if we simply remove infocenter then all the links in old DevZone replies will be ruined as well.

    Fortunately, we'll try to map all links to infocenter unto the corresponding page in the new documentation page :) So neither links on google nor DevZone should be affected.



  • Acutetech said:
    actually, usually with Google.

    Yeah I typically find myself doing that too. It works great for DevZone as well, its hard to match google in its search capabilities. And speaking of DevZone, if we simply remove infocenter then all the links in old DevZone replies will be ruined as well.

    Fortunately, we'll try to map all links to infocenter unto the corresponding page in the new documentation page :) So neither links on google nor DevZone should be affected.



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