nRF9161-DK programming with external J-Link debugger

Is there any image of wiring the dk board for jLink plus Compact Segger?

  • Hello, 

    Could you please elaborate what you are trying to achieve? The nRF9161-DK has an onboard programmer. Do you want to program the nRF9161 SiP using the jLink plus Compact Segger?

    The Debug IN hearder should be what you are looking for, as per the nRF9161 DK Hardware documentation:

    The Debug in connector P18 makes it possible to connect external debuggers for debugging when the interface USB cable is not connected or if the DK is in IF MCU DISCONNECT mode.

    Kind regards,

  • Since the onboard debugger is not working on either of my boards I would like to configure the board to use external debugger and finally get something flashed on those. On my own proprietary hw the Segger jLink is working just fine so I would assume that would work for the dk's also. So if I use external debugger I  need to also provide power to the board somewhere else than usb? Even if I have it configured for external debugger? 
    I have tried to get the dk's working with no luck:
    nRF9160-DK programming fails
    the boards show like they are connected in VS code or in nRF Connect for Desktop, but cant be programmed and the onboard debugger is not shown in the Win device management either.

  • Since the onboard debugger is not working on either of my boards I would like to configure the board to use external debugger and finally get something flashed on those. On my own proprietary hw the Segger jLink is working just fine so I would assume that would work for the dk's also. So if I use external debugger I  need to also provide power to the board somewhere else than usb? Even if I have it configured for external debugger? 
    I have tried to get the dk's working with no luck:
    nRF9160-DK programming fails
    the boards show like they are connected in VS code or in nRF Connect for Desktop, but cant be programmed and the onboard debugger is not shown in the Win device management either.
