nrf BLE mesh sample light_fixture not showing in nrf mesh application after flashing with nrf connect desktop in to nrf52840 dongle

I have flashed the light_ctrl hex file in nrf52840 dongle. Flashing Have been completed sueccessfully for provisioning in nrf mesh application its not showing in the network. to connect with light switch to create a mesh.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Edvin

    I have been flasing a .hex which is generated after building the project. i am flasing it using nrf connect desktop  (path - build/zephyr/zephyr.hex)

    The SDK version i am using is v2.6.99-cs1

    I have builded an example for nrf mesh which can be flashed to the nrf52840 dongle using nrf connect desktop.

    flasing is done sucessfully but in nrf connect applicaton its not showing the device to provision.
