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unable to sniff packets with wireshark setting higher connection intervals


I'm trying to sniff packets with wireshark by varying the connection interval and supervision timeout of my ble application. I see that with lower connection intervals i'm able to do this. The test was performing good util the values CI=1000ms supervision timeout = 2010. If I increase these two values to CI=2000ms and supervision timeout=4010 then wireshark is not able to sniff my ble communication. It sniffs some packets but it stops after some seconds. Should i change something in the wireshark settings to make me able to sniff packets also with higher connection intervals?

Sniffing process stops after connection parameters update has been performed.

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  • Oh, that is not a Nordic nRF52840 Dongle. Ok, now I see. 

    I see that they claim it will work with the WireShark sniffer, but that will be something that they need to make sure it does. The nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE is made to work with the DKs and Dongles produced by Nordic Semiconductor (this dongle), and if it doesn't work with a 3rd party dongle, then you need to contact the 3rd party company to ask why it doesn't do what it promised to do. 

    That being said, I guess it is a clock issue. Perhaps they use a different Low frequency clock crystal than we use, which doesn't have the same accuracy. Unfortunately, since the sniffer FW is closed source, it is not possible to tweak these parameters, so that it would work on your device. 

    But you have two devices, right? The 3rd party dongle and something else that the Device Under Test (DUT) is running on. What is the DUT? Another dongle of the same kind? A Nordic dongle/DK?

    If it is a nordic device, I guess you could try to swap them around. Run the application on the 3rd party dongle, and run the sniffer on the Nordic device.

    Either way, I am sorry, but I don't think there is much else I can do, other than to tell you that the nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE works only with Nordic devices, not 3rd party devices.

    Best regards,

