Beware that this post is related to an SDK in maintenance mode
More Info: Consider nRF Connect SDK for new designs

Flash nRF52840 via USBD virtual COM port

Hello, I have an Adafruit nRF52840 Feather Express, and I'd like to be able to flash the micro through the USB virtual COM port because it has to go in a case and the SEGGER 10 pin connector will not fit. I also need BLE (specifically buttonless DFU) working as well, so to start I've gotten the usbd_ble_uart_pca10056_s140 example from nRF5_SDK_17.1.0 flashed and working on the micro. This is a good start, I can connect to it via bluetooth using the nrf connect app and it shows up as a COM port device on my WIndows 11 computer. I'll have to stitch in the buttonless DFU stuff, but right now I want to figure out how to flash the micro through the USB virtual COM port. Right now, when I open up the nRF Connect for Desktop (v5.0.0) Programmer app (v4.3.0), the micro shows up as nRF52 USB CDC BLE Demo but after selecting the micro I get an orange caution message that reads "No operation possible. If the device is a MCUboot device make sure it is in the bootloader mode or enable MCUboot."  I use Segger Embedded Studio v8.12, and I can't find a way to flash the micro via a COM port, SES appears to require a J-Link programmer.

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