TOOL : NRF SDK 2.6.99 (VSC)

1.When connecting a broadcast audio source with USB audio to listen to music on the sync side, there seems to be some stuttering. How can I solve this issue?

I tried changing the broadcast audio source's send rate from BT_BAP_LC3_BROADCAST_PRESET_24_2_1 to BT_BAP_LC3_BROADCAST_PRESET_48_2_1.
To do this, I changed the sample rate in the USB audio settings by taking the value from usb-audio-hs.yaml and applied it.

However, this change doesn't seem to modify the descriptor. When connected to a PC, the headset is recognized but it cannot play audio.

2.Is there an appropriate way to change the descriptor so that audio can be played, or am I doing something wrong?

Please Let me know

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  • In NCS 2.6.0 that is?

    If I am understanding you correctly, you've now switched to NCS 2.6.0, and the music is no longer choppy, but poor.

  • I apologize for the poor explanation and any confusion it caused. I ran it on version 2.6.0 and confirmed that the audio quality has improved compared to 2.6.99.

    The differences compared to 2.6.99 are as follows:


    • Sample rate hz on "usb-audio-hs" isn't existed


    • Sample rate hz on "usb-audio-hs" is existed

    When I change the subgroup to 1, the audio quality degrades again.

    Here are two questions:

    1. Does the tx_buf_count significantly impact audio quality among the differences mentioned above?
    2. When changing the subgroup to 2, does the audio quality degradation occur due to the left-right delay?
    3. Are there any other options I could try to improve the audio quality?
  • I'm glad we've cleared up some of the confusion. 

    heavyjo said:
    Are there any other options I could try to improve the audio quality?

    I'm not sure myself about what exact changes have affected the audio quality unfortunately. I can forward this question to the relevant R&D team, though I am not sure if I understand why it would matter to you. Either way, you should optimally use a stable tag for this eg. 2.6.0 (but I just saw that 2.6.1 is out too, that should be stable as well).

    The obvious way to improve the audio quality is to not use the main-branch.

    And the configurations you mentioned are not the only things that have changed between the versions you've listed. Have a look here for instance.


