Reason for High Current Consumption During 1 Minute in NRF52840 Central-Peripheral BLE Connection

We are using two NRF52840 devices for BLE communication between a central and a peripheral.

However, when the peripheral and central NRF52840 connect, the current dramatically increases to about 1mA for around 1 minute and 10 seconds.

After 1 minute and 10 seconds, the current drops back down to about 300uA until disconnection.

Additionally, when the peripheral connects to a our custom app, the current does not increase to around 1mA.

Do you know why the current consumption is high for about a minute when the NRF52840 devices connect as a central and peripheral?

Also, is there a way to reduce the current consumption?

  • Hello,

    Can you please try to capture a sniffer trace of the connection? You can use the nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE for this. Save the trace as a .pcapng file and upload it here. 

    How do you measure the current? Have you tried the Power Profiler Kit 2? If so, can you upload a screenshot of the current consumption of the device right around when it shifts from 1mA to 300µA?

    What SDK version are you using? And are you using 2 DKs to reproduce this issue? If so, is it possible to upload the applications for them, so that I can try to replicate it on my desk?

    Best regards,


  • Hello,

    Can you please try to capture a sniffer trace of the connection? You can use the nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE for this. Save the trace as a .pcapng file and upload it here. 

    How do you measure the current? Have you tried the Power Profiler Kit 2? If so, can you upload a screenshot of the current consumption of the device right around when it shifts from 1mA to 300µA?

    What SDK version are you using? And are you using 2 DKs to reproduce this issue? If so, is it possible to upload the applications for them, so that I can try to replicate it on my desk?

    Best regards,

