VL53L8 with nRF52 DK


I've been working with a SATEL-VL53L8 sensor for a while. For this I've used the L4RZI board and now i moved into the nRF52 board for more tests.

I've been having trouble trying to implement this. I've tried to use the VL53L0 configuration,


This because i did not find any configuration for the VL53L8 available (besides the one available in the GitHub for the ST32duino (https://github.com/stm32duino/VL53L8CX)).

I've tried examples for the L0, and the L8, including using the one available in GitHub.

Is there any CONFIG for the VL53L8 that can be used for this board (nRF52 DK)?
(I've checked examples between nordic-ST regarding the L1 and L0)

thank you in advance,
  • Hi

    Since there is a Zephyr driver for the VL53L0x in Zephyr I believe it should be possible to run it on nRF52/53 devices as well, yes. Have you added the driver support in the sample both in the config and including the driver files in the sample itself? Then I think using I2C on the nRF side should be the easiest way to implement this sensor in your project. 

    What exactly are you having trouble in on your end? We don't have any experience with this specific sensor, but with a Zephyr driver available I assume it should work just like most others.

    Best regards,


  • Hello!

    thanks for replying,

    yes, i've tried to use the VL53L0 driver, both the config and in the sample,

    however, i had no results... the VL53L0 is a uni-zone sensor (if my memory isnt failing me) and the VL53L8 is a multizone sensor (both ToF),

    and the data structure is also different...

    I've tried to use the samples/demos, and study them.

    the main problem is to get the desired data, for this, i would need a "CONFIG_VL53L0X" but for the VL53L8... correct?

    Don't get me wrong, i could have failed in the process and commit a mistake,

    I'll re-do, if it works i'll mark it as solved and "publish" what I've done step by step.

    thank you,


  • Lourenco said:
    the main problem is to get the desired data, for this, i would need a "CONFIG_VL53L0X" but for the VL53L8... correct?

    You should check with the sensor providers whether this CONFIG_VL53L0X could also be used for the VL53L8. A lot of sensors in the same series are similar enough to be able to use the same drivers/libraries, but that should be checked first.

    Best regards,


  • Lourenco said:
    the main problem is to get the desired data, for this, i would need a "CONFIG_VL53L0X" but for the VL53L8... correct?

    You should check with the sensor providers whether this CONFIG_VL53L0X could also be used for the VL53L8. A lot of sensors in the same series are similar enough to be able to use the same drivers/libraries, but that should be checked first.

    Best regards,


  • Hi! I'm sorry for replying so late.

    I've tried that as well... Unfortunately I've tried to check if there is a CONFIG file for this sensor, but I either can't find it, or there isn't one.... I've also explored deeply both the L0 and L1 library to check for compatibilities... No luck.

    I've found a project that uses the nRF5340 board with this sensor, (in github BLEDroneCode), this has a lot of information, it is worth to take a look.

     In summary, wasnt able to fix this issue, numerous "solutions" weren't enough or they didn't work. 

    There isn't an L8 config file as I mentioned, and the old ones aren't compatible...

    I am now trying the BLEDroneCode, and adapt it to only use the ToF sensor.

    Thank you,


  • Hi Lourenco,

    Simon is out of office for now.

    I have not gone through the BLEDroneCode but I hope you will be able to adapt it to use with your sensor.

    If your sensor supports I2C, then using it as a I2C device might be a simple solution. Checkout our lesson on I2C (pardon me if it does not match your sensor / requirements) where we connect an I2C based sensor in a tutorial like fashion: I2C Communication Exercise


