Support for TF-M with minimal version disabled in nRF Connect SDK is currently experimental??

The note in reads:

"Support for TF-M with minimal version disabled in nRF Connect SDK is currently experimental."

Does that mean that only the minimal version should be used for products? Where do I find the components included in the minimal version?

  • HI Stefan,

    As of now, the only option is to either build with less features or with the experimental version. I will check internally for the features supported by the minimal version of TF-M and get back to you.



  • Hi Swathy,

     it would be great if you could provide a table with the different versions (CONFIG_TFM_PROFILE_TYPE_SMALL, CONFIG_TFM_PROFILE_TYPE_MEDIUM, CONFIG_TFM_PROFILE_TYPE_AROTLESS, CONFIG_TFM_PROFILE_TYPE_LARGE) and the features which are enable (maybe even with subfeatures or options, which can be selected.

    I know that all this can be found somewhere in the software, but I think this would save some people some time.



  • Hi Swathy,

     it would be great if you could provide a table with the different versions (CONFIG_TFM_PROFILE_TYPE_SMALL, CONFIG_TFM_PROFILE_TYPE_MEDIUM, CONFIG_TFM_PROFILE_TYPE_AROTLESS, CONFIG_TFM_PROFILE_TYPE_LARGE) and the features which are enable (maybe even with subfeatures or options, which can be selected.

    I know that all this can be found somewhere in the software, but I think this would save some people some time.


