cannot get nrf9161 to work with Cellular Monitor 2.4.0

I am trying to use the the cellular monitor to get the device information but it seems like it does not connect to the device via J-Link, this is not a DK but a custom board. 

1. modem FW version 


2. NCS version 

- 2.4.1v

4. configs defined in my prj.conf

CONFIG_AT_HOST_LIBRARY=y #(note this is optional)
but this is all i see when i connect tot eh JLink 
anyone have any ideas/ 
Parents Reply Children
  • seems like something might be off, i cannot even send the modem basic commands like 

    nrf_modem_lib_init(); this returns -1 and 
    nrf_modem_at_cmd(ret_buf, sizeof(ret_buf), "AT+CGSN");  returns 65536 which is not an error number that is expected to return. 
    current modem FW i have in the device is and i am building for the _ns of the nrf9161. 