cannot get nrf9161 to work with Cellular Monitor 2.4.0

I am trying to use the the cellular monitor to get the device information but it seems like it does not connect to the device via J-Link, this is not a DK but a custom board. 

1. modem FW version 


2. NCS version 

- 2.4.1v

4. configs defined in my prj.conf

CONFIG_AT_HOST_LIBRARY=y #(note this is optional)
but this is all i see when i connect tot eh JLink 
anyone have any ideas/ 
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  • Hello, 

    Michal is currently out of office and have assigned your ticket. 

    The modem FW combination does not look like an issue but I need more information about your setup. 

    What version of the JLink driver and nrfjprog have you installed? You can find this information by running nrfjprog --version in your command line. 

    Are you able to run the AT client sample and run e.g. AT+CGSN? 

    You can use the sample in our precompiled FW package, which you can download from the downloads section of the nRF9161DK product page. 

    Michal said:
    Cellular Monitor doesn't support capturing traces over RTT, only UART, so that may be the main issue.

    If you do have only access to RTT, you can capture modem traces through RTT by enabling some configurations in your project. Please see Modem trace module. Then run the following in command line: (Make sure to change the path to JLinkRTTLogger.exe)

     nrfjprog --reset && "C:\<PATH TO JLINK>\JLinkRTTLogger.exe" -Device NRF9161_XXCA -If SWD -Speed 5000 C:\Temp\modemtrace_211222.bin

    I think you can rename to .mtrace and open with cellular monitor.

    Kind regards,

  • I cannot run the example either. Someone by the name of Michael Sly replied to me via email and confirmed that i have an SDK version incompatibility with the mfw 2.x.x so we are currently looking into updating to latest SDK and verifying this is the fix. 
