log_output_flush: is it usable with LOG_MODULE_REGISTER and LOG_DBG macros?

Hi there,

In Zephyr 3.6.99 I see a promisive function to make sure that the logging buffer is flushed at a certain moment of time: log_output_flush. It is using a pointer to a structure of type log_output. Question: is that possible to use this function with Zephyr logging functionality available via the macros like LOG_MODULE_REGISTER and further use of LOG_DBG, LOG_INFO, etc? If so, how could be a pointer to that structure be found?

Looking at the zephyr.map file I see that this function is linked, so obviously it should be available somehow, but where is an actual log_output structure instance?! Probably it is hidden somewhere in the wilds of macro substitutions - did anybody had a success to access it log_output structure?

Many thanks for your help in advance!
