What is the maximum admissible voltage in PPK2 Ampere Meter mode

Hi Support Team

What is the maximum admissible voltage between VIN and VOUT in PPK2 Ampere Meter mode? Many thanks.

  • Hi, Tom.

    If you zoom in on the figure in the Measuring current in Ampere Meter mode section you're referring to, you'll see that it states VIN MAX 5.0V.

    You can also see it explained in the Power supply section that
    "When the PPK2 is used in Ampere Meter mode, an external power supply is used for the Device Under Test (DUT). The external voltage is applied directly to the circuits without regulation. This voltage must be limited to the 0.8 - 5.0 V range."

    Ideally, there won't be a voltage difference between VIN and VOUT, when connecting the PPK2 to VDD_nRF' and VDD_nRF. In practice, the voltage drop should only be the voltage drop found over the PPK2 itself, as the PPK2 is connected in series as an ampere meter.

    Best regards,
