iOS binding from Xamarin, incomplete iOSMcuManagerLibrary.framework headers

I'm trying to import the native libraries to Xamarin forms, I need for the FirmwareUpgrade section of the iOSMcuManagerLibrary.
I compile the example project correctly and I can access to the iOSMcuManagerLibrary.framework, but seems that the .h is incomplete, infact starting the sharpie process the API definition.cs doesn't contains the fw update functions.

The generated iOSMcuManagerLibrary-Swift.h header contains only McuMgrBleTransport so are missing all the other functions to be used for the fw upgrade Frowning2.

In attach I put the .h generated by the new “Connect” library and the one generated from the old “DFU library”. As you can see the old one contains the firmware functions (needed from us to wrap the native libraries).

Can you please check that the .h contains all the needed interfaces? If not the binding process cannot generate the fw update functions that I need

