KNX IOT sample can not work

I am running the demo of "nrf-knx-iot/samples/light_switch_actuator" on my customized board based on NRF52840.

I could burn the light_switch_actuator firmware into this customized board  successfully, and then I followed the guide to do. But it could not get the expected result, when I pressed the button of light_switch_sensor , the light_switch_actuator logs showed that it could not find resource.

Parents Reply
  • Yes, now logs can show normally.

    I only have one nrf52840DK, so I run these test using DK and my customized board. I tried many ways but I still failed.

     I am using the v0.3.0_rc branch of KNX IOT repository.

    Could you please help me confirm that if the branch v0.3.0_rc is available? Because I don't have two DK boards to test it. I want to verify if only the DK boards can run the knx iot demo successfully.

    I will also try to switch to main branch and test it again

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