would like to know the following about running nRF5340 Audio with CIS.

1. What could be the reason why streaming is not synchronized even though the connection is established?

2. Where in the source is the important information for connecting to CIS set?

3. If the device trees for the headset and gateway are different, can the connection be established even if I build and flash only the headset and build and flash only the gateway with a different script?

If I cannot connect, what could be the reason?

4. If I create multiple combinations of gateway and headset, how can I change the connection information so that it does not conflict with other combinations?

  • Hello,

    First of all, what NCS version are you using? 

    3. If the device trees for the headset and gateway are different, can the connection be established even if I build and flash only the headset and build and flash only the gateway with a different script?

    I am not sure if I understand what you mean here. The DTS (device tree source) that describes the hardware for our audio DK would be the same for a gateway and a headset, as the hardware is the same.

    And what do you mean by different script? Do you mean if you flash the two DKs with our builprog.py script in two turns? First the one, then the other? If so, yes, I think that should work.

    If I cannot connect, what could be the reason?

    I guess this could be multiple things. Could you expand a bit on what you are using and trying to do? Are you for instance simply using 3 Audio DKs with our default Audio Application?

    4. If I create multiple combinations of gateway and headset, how can I change the connection information so that it does not conflict with other combinations?

    If you are refering to how this is done by our audio DKs and audio app, this is neatly handled by our nrf5340_audio_dk_devices.json file. Have a look here.



  • Hello,

    First of all, what NCS version are you using? 

    3. If the device trees for the headset and gateway are different, can the connection be established even if I build and flash only the headset and build and flash only the gateway with a different script?

    I am not sure if I understand what you mean here. The DTS (device tree source) that describes the hardware for our audio DK would be the same for a gateway and a headset, as the hardware is the same.

    And what do you mean by different script? Do you mean if you flash the two DKs with our builprog.py script in two turns? First the one, then the other? If so, yes, I think that should work.

    If I cannot connect, what could be the reason?

    I guess this could be multiple things. Could you expand a bit on what you are using and trying to do? Are you for instance simply using 3 Audio DKs with our default Audio Application?

    4. If I create multiple combinations of gateway and headset, how can I change the connection information so that it does not conflict with other combinations?

    If you are refering to how this is done by our audio DKs and audio app, this is neatly handled by our nrf5340_audio_dk_devices.json file. Have a look here.



  • >What NCS version are you using?

    Ver 2.5.0.

    >I'm not sure what you mean here.

    I would like to edit the nRF5340 Audio source and write to a script on another board that has a DK and an NRF5340 installed.

  • Junichi said:

    Ver 2.5.0.

    I see. One thing that is different in the newer versions of the Audio application (NCS v2.6.0 and onwards) is that it uses our own SoftDeviceController as the BLE controller, which does improve the performance aamong other things.

    Junichi said:
    I would like to edit the nRF5340 Audio source and write to a script on another board that has a DK and an NRF5340 installed.

    So if I am understanding you correctly you want to modify the source code of the Audio Application and then flash it another Audio DK, and wonder how the two can connect if they are different. 

    Well I guess that depends on what you modify. Our Audio App follows the spec, and should work with all other LE Audio applications. If what you modify still functions according to the BLE spec for LE Audio it should still work. 

    However the part that does the automatic connection is something we've added to make the testing easier. And if you change the part that it will ofcourse still follow the spec. So it depends on what you want to modify,

    Though the code follows the LE Audio spec, and should work with all others that follow the same spec.


