Bonding with only one device at a time

 I am using the Nordic NRF52832 with SDK 16.

In my device I want to bond to a single device at a time. If a second device wants to pair and bond the first device bonding info needs to be deleted.
Is there any way to achieve that ? I saw from other posts that the maximum no of device that can be bonded depends on the amount of memory available.

Is there any way we can limit the no of device that can be bonded?



  • Hi ,

    Thanks for the reply , but what we exactly need is a bit different from the solution provided in the post that has been shared.

    What we need is a system where only one device can be bonded to our board at any given time. Once a device is bonded, we want to prevent any other device from bonding with the board.

    If we ever need to bond a second device, this should only be possible after we have explicitly cleared the existing bonding information of the currently bonded device.

    We have implemented the pm_peers_delete(); function to delete the bonding information from the board upon a specific request from the user. This ensures that a new device can only bond after we have manually deleted the existing bond from our side. Until this deletion process is initiated and completed, we want to block any attempts by other devices to bond with the board.



  • Hi ,

    Thanks for the reply , but what we exactly need is a bit different from the solution provided in the post that has been shared.

    What we need is a system where only one device can be bonded to our board at any given time. Once a device is bonded, we want to prevent any other device from bonding with the board.

    If we ever need to bond a second device, this should only be possible after we have explicitly cleared the existing bonding information of the currently bonded device.

    We have implemented the pm_peers_delete(); function to delete the bonding information from the board upon a specific request from the user. This ensures that a new device can only bond after we have manually deleted the existing bond from our side. Until this deletion process is initiated and completed, we want to block any attempts by other devices to bond with the board.


