Bluetooth mesh data communication


Currently, we are evaluating Bluetooth mesh technology for lighting control. We would like to develop a web server (issue commands to node and store information) and a mobile app (configure nodes). In order to issue commands from web server to node, for example I want to control a light either by generic model or NLC profile model, what are the messages/data I need to send. Moreover, can you provide some guidance on developing web server and mobile app. Thanks.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Hieu,

    Thanks for the reply.

    It is quite hard to give you recommendation without knowing a lot more details. I thought about it really hard but could only give you some generic information.

    I can provide you with more details. What specific details are you seeking?

    You can use either Generic OnOff, Generic Level Models, or NLC to realize a lighting solutions based on BLE Mesh. All of them works, and all of them are created with lighting solutions in mind.

    To decide whether use generic models or NLC models, is that the main difference between them is that NLC models support multi-vendor interoperability while generic models are not?

    To find out what messages and data you need to send to the device, you would want to research on those models.
    The most detailed resource about those models is of course the Mesh Models specification:
    You could also get some hands-on experience with our Mesh samples: Bluetooth Mesh samples (

    I have several units of nRF5340 DK and Thingy53 that I have been using to try out some sample programs. Now I am trying to figure out how is the raw message look like. Looking into Bluetooth Mesh Light sample which implement Generic OnOff Server model, I print out the "srv->[i]" in led_set function and get 0x820400. I then refer to Mesh Models specification:

    From my understanding, it is a publish type message (Generic OnOff Status). Overall, what I want to achieve here is get the full raw message that send from nRF mesh app to node to trigger actions. How to print out the subscribe type message? Could you walk me through the process to do this?
