Misleading ZIGBEE advertising for nRF52820

So i have a problem with documents for nrf52820 while it's a great chip with good functionality i selected it mainly because all of product details and specifications told me it works with zigbbee.
And while radio is capable of it no sdk for 820 allows for its usage.
Is this functionality being worked on or what?
If not I think zigbee mention should be removed from the spec
Im currently using Nrf connect sdk.

  • Hello,

    The product details are not correct, unfortunately: We do not support Zigbee for nRF52820. The product page will be updated to reflect what we actually support.

    The Zigbee certifications we currently have are for nRF52840, nRF5340 and nRF52833. The compatibility matrices for our products are regularly updated to reflect new certifications. See the matrices for nRF52820 and nrF52833 for examples. As you can see there is no page for Zigbee certifications for nRF52820, but there is for nRF52833.

    Best regards,

