nrf parition manager and west sign


We try to move forward from nrf-sdk 2.4.2 to 2.6.1 and run into troubles, that west thinks it should sign our images, but we defined CONFIG_SIGN_IMAGES=n

So the first problem is, why does it try to sign the images, even when sign images config key is set to no.
The second problem is, that it does not recognize the correct partition sizes and header size.

The partition manager finds our pm_static.yml and sets CONFIG_ROM_START_OFFSET to 0 in the .config.
This 0 is then used as header size via west sign.

btw. I'm not sure why, but I needed to add "rsource "mcuboot/Kconfig"" to nrf/modules/Kconfig so the CONFIG_SIGN_IMAGES key was recognized.
But I guess thats not the correct why to include the mcuboot module of nrf?

So that are my current 3 problems, which I struggle with.

Any hints? or ideas?


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