nrf5340dk and samples

I am looking at the "mesh_shell" example project. I was able to build the sample for nrf5340 dk this way:

- create a new build configuration for "nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp"

- create a subfolder "child_image" and a "hci_rpmsg.conf" file in it

- copy all the "CONFIG_BT_*" settings from "prj.conf" to "hci_rpmsg.conf"

- build and flash

This very "scientific" procedure seems to work, but:

Are there any guidelines on how to convert samples to support nrf5340 dk? Specifically, which config options need to be moved, what are the pitfalls, ...?

Also, I was not able to build for _ns (TrustZone) this way. Do you have any gudelines for this?



  • Hi,

    In general the procedure you're describing is the correct way to do this

    Are there any guidelines on how to convert samples to support nrf5340 dk? Specifically, which config options need to be moved, what are the pitfalls, ...?

    The intermediate course has it's own "adding custom board support" lesson which may be helpful in describing this. This lesson also goes through how to set up board files for multi-core hardware & TF-M for the nRF5340 with links and resources to our documentation at docs.nordicsemi

    Also, I was not able to build for _ns (TrustZone) this way. Do you have any gudelines for this?

    I believe this is handled in the lesson I mentioned, but in addition to that I want to add that you will have to add a _ns board as well as your current _cpuapp board that is used for _ns builds, i.e nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp_ns

    Let me know if this answers your questions

    Kind regards,

  • Hi,

    In general the procedure you're describing is the correct way to do this

    Are there any guidelines on how to convert samples to support nrf5340 dk? Specifically, which config options need to be moved, what are the pitfalls, ...?

    The intermediate course has it's own "adding custom board support" lesson which may be helpful in describing this. This lesson also goes through how to set up board files for multi-core hardware & TF-M for the nRF5340 with links and resources to our documentation at docs.nordicsemi

    Also, I was not able to build for _ns (TrustZone) this way. Do you have any gudelines for this?

    I believe this is handled in the lesson I mentioned, but in addition to that I want to add that you will have to add a _ns board as well as your current _cpuapp board that is used for _ns builds, i.e nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp_ns

    Let me know if this answers your questions

    Kind regards,

  • Thank you for the answers. I have finished the basic and intermediate SDK courses, but I still have difficulties with this. Perhaps this is a good topic for a webinar? Slight smile

    I am currently working with nrf5340dk, but I am planing to switch to nrf54l15, which is single core (at least for app and net). Do you perhaps know when the nrf54l15dk will be generally available?

    And one new question: I have read somewhere that "shell" can have a MQTT backend (instead of terminal). Are there any resources (samples, docs) about this? IMO in this way "mesh_shell" example would basically become a starting point for a mesh-internet gateway. Is this a good way to go or do you have other/better ideas?



  • Marko_P said:
    I am currently working with nrf5340dk, but I am planing to switch to nrf54l15, which is single core (at least for app and net). Do you perhaps know when the nrf54l15dk will be generally available?

    Unfortunately I have no info that I can publicly state, but if you reach out to your regional sales manager (RSM) they might be able to let you know more regarding this. The RSM is who you want to talk to w.r.t all general roadmaps, feature implementations and releases etc. Let me know if you need their contact information and I'll send it to you

    Marko_P said:
    I have finished the basic and intermediate SDK courses, but I still have difficulties with this. Perhaps this is a good topic for a webinar? Slight smile

    I agree, there is a lot to unravel and pay attention to w.r.t adding custom board support to them. I will forward this request to the to the academy team, but you could also you can also pitch your request for a webinar regarding this to the RSM as well!

    Marko_P said:
    I have read somewhere that "shell" can have a MQTT backend (instead of terminal). Are there any resources (samples, docs) about this? IMO in this way "mesh_shell" example would basically become a starting point for a mesh-internet gateway. Is this a good way to go or do you have other/better ideas?

    Yes, we have a sample that demonstrates how to use MQTT with a shell interface (in addition to the Mesh Shell sample you mention). This is the MQTT sample which communicates with an MQTT broker either over LTE using an nRF91 Series device, or over Wi-FiRegistered using an nRF70 Series device. The sample uses the connection manager that provides a common connectivity API for LTE and Wi-Fi stacks. You can find this sample under `samples/net/mqtt` in the nRF Connect SDK folder structure.

    The MQTT sample demonstrates how to connect an nRF91 Series or nRF70 Series device to an MQTT broker to publish and receive messages. It also provides detailed documentation on the sample, including its description, architecture, and provisioning.

    In addition, there is a shell transport for MQTT, defined in `shell_mqtt.h`, which provides a MQTT-based shell transport. This can be used to create a shell instance that communicates over MQTT.

    For more information, you can refer to the following links:
    - MQTT Sample 
    - Sample Description 
    - Shell MQTT 

    You might have to combine this with the Mesh Shell and extract out what you need to create something such as a Bluetooth Mesh-to-Internet/IPv6 based networks but I believe all the resources are available in these two samples/few links

    Kind regards,

  • Thank you. Fanstel says that their 54L15 modules will be available in Q4 this year and this is good enough for me.
