HCI_LE_Read_Local_Resolvable_Address not implemented in Softdevice Controller


As the  LE Audio controller for nRF5340 library is deprecated in favor of the Nordic Semiconductor’s standard Softdevice Controller. We have started to use the Softdevice Controller.

Unfortunately it appears that this controller stack doesn't implement the HCI command HCI_LE_Read_Local_Resolvable_Address (0x202C) which we are using for a testing purpose.

This HCI command is optional but was implemented in the LE Audio controller stack.

Do you know if it will be implemented in a near future? If not, is it possible to get this information by another mean with an sdc_xxxx function ?

Our actual version of the SDK is as follow:

sdk-nrf version: v2.6.1

zephyr version: v3.5.99-ncs1-1

Best regards,


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi,

    Cyril Praz said:
    bt_id_get is not a solution for me. This function is returning an identity address which can be either a public address or a random static address.


    Cyril Praz said:
    The second solution is what I tried

    Ah, you're right. I see that now when I reread your query. Thank you for elaborating around that. I will ask the SoftDevice Controller team directly for some input regarding the HCI_LE_Read_Local_Resolvable_Address command support.

    I'll get back to you when I hear back from them

    Kind regards,

  • Hi again,

    Here's some info from the developers and some follow up questions:

    The HCI_LE_Read_Local_Resolvable_Address is optional to implement and we have decided to not implement it because using the command in itself results in a race condition -> The returned address may already be outdated when read by the application.

    Could you expand upon how your application intends to use this command? The NCS Bluetooth stack generates all resolvable addresses in the Bluetooth host (not the controller). Therefore, this command doesn't return a resolvable address. 

    The developers also asks if maybe what you want to know is what advertising address is being used? The audio application does that here: https://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-nrf/blob/main/applications/nrf5340_audio/src/bluetooth/bt_management/advertising/bt_mgmt_adv.c#L133

    Kind regards,

  • Hello,

    The HCI_LE_Read_Local_Resolvable_Address is optional to implement and we have decided to not implement it

    You have right and that's the answer I was afraid to get ^^

    We have an application with another host stack and another controller stack.

    To simulate a phone or a peer device we have another application called Peer Application.

    This peer application  have a common code base with the application under test and is using the same host stack but we are using it at lower level your controller stack.

    This is why we don't use your host stack.

    Now on our application we are using the privacy feature and the generation of the resolvable private address is delegated to the controller stack by setting the advertising parameter (0x2006) with 0x03 for own_address_type.

    This explain why in our case the resolvable private address is gnerated into the controller stack.

    using the command in itself results in a race condition -> The returned address may already be outdated when read by the application.

    You have right if it reads at not the right time.

    We are reading the resolvable private address while we are advertising and the address is checked against the addres we receive with a connection complete event.

    Beside that the rpa refresh timer is pretty high around 20 minutes and we dont trigger any refresh.

    Then we are pretty sure that the address is the same.

    If it's really not possible we need to change our tests to test that the address is resolvable with the corresponding IRK in fact we dont really care that the address received is exactly the one we expect.

    This will require quiet a lot of effort on our side it's why I am asking if there is a way to get this rpa.

  • Thank you for explaining. I've relayed it to the developers for discussion w.r.t both feature request or if we have any solution for this. I'll keep you updated when I hear back from them

    Kind regards;

  • Hi again,

    Here's an update:

    As we've concluded already we currently do not support the feature, but we have added the feature request and PMT is aware of the request so it's reached high up. Furthermore they've stated that at the moment we do not have an ETA of this, but it would be useful to know how urgent the request for support is so we can add this information to the internal information for the feature request. 

    I were also told to mention that in addition to the upcoming NCS v2.7.0 we have planned 2 additional SDK releases for 2024. The question is if we complete the feature for the first of these, or if will be in the second. The feature will likely be available in main before an official release (I'll add the PR in a comment here when we get there) if you want to do testing as soon as it gets into the SDK.

    Please let me know about the urgency and I'll bring that information back to the discussion

    Kind regards,
