Including LIS2DUX12TXR drivers in nRF Connect SDK project

Hi Nordic Team,

I am currently working on developing applications for custom boards using the nRF Connect SDK v2.6.0, specifically focusing on the nRF52840 microcontroller. For our ongoing project, we need to interface the LIS2DUX12TR sensor with the nRF52840DK.

I have referred to the Zephyr documentation and obtained the necessary library from the following link: LIS2DUX12TR Zephyr Documentation. However, I am having difficulty understanding how to include this library into our current NCS environment. Could you please suggest the process of including the LIS2DUX12TR sensor drivers in the Zephyr RTOS environment so that I can successfully interface it with the nRF52840?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi,

    These are the sections referred by me previously. Can you share me a detail guide for including 'Custom lis2dux12 driver in nrf Connect SDK' ?



  • Hi

    Just to make sure we are on the same page. Are you planing to use the drivers already in Zephyr, you only linked to the device bindings, hench why I presume you are using the Zephyr drivers? If so I would follow my recommandation. If you want to use drivers not already part of Zephyr it will be more work. Just so I know where to start. Are you familiar with the nRF Connect SDK? If not I would strongly recommend that you go through the whole nRF Connect Fundamentals course which I linked below. 

    If you are not planning to use something already inn Zephyr please see our lesson on Device Drivers 


