Issues compiling DECT NR+ examples for evaluation

I've tried to compile "hello_dect" example using v2.6.1 toolchain and v2.7.0-rc-2 SDK. The sample code is present so I assume the SDK is correct version.

However it fails with this error:

fatal error: nrf_modem_dect_phy.h: No such file or directory

File is present in filesystem, I am using NRF Connect Desktop on Windows with VSCode. Tried reinstalling with cleaning J-link installation, appdata content etc but the issue still persists. Other samples doesn't use any custom settings in CMakeLissts so I assume  nrf_modem_dect_phy.h should be passed in include path to the compiler out of the box.

What am I doing wrong and what are possible solutions? I have option to run linux version of tools via WSL but not sure about USB support there.
