Cannot connect nrf7002DK to WIFI with statically provided credentials, but wifi_cred shell provisioning works.

Dear DevZone Team,

I'm facing a very strange issue whereby the sample code from the Lesson2_Exercise2 of the Wifi Fundamentals course does not allow my development kit to connect via statically provided wifi credentials on my nRF7002-DK. The code gets to the "Lesson2_Exercise2: Connecting to Wi-Fi" print statement and then hangs forever without connecting. I have verified the credentials, the wifi security level, have tried flashing the board in secure and non-secure targets to no avail. The board/WIFI were also tested via shell provisioning with the "wifi_cred" command and the same SSID and password work for the shell provisioning, however, I cannot get it to connect with static credentials.

I would love some help! Thank you :)


Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    Could you also verify that the issue persists if you go to the next step? In case that you're testing on step 11, then could you continue and check with the following steps as well? From step 12 and out you're supposed to comment out parts that has to do with static provisioning, so there are still some parts to do.

    Kind regards,

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