Cannot connect nrf7002DK to WIFI with statically provided credentials, but wifi_cred shell provisioning works.

Dear DevZone Team,

I'm facing a very strange issue whereby the sample code from the Lesson2_Exercise2 of the Wifi Fundamentals course does not allow my development kit to connect via statically provided wifi credentials on my nRF7002-DK. The code gets to the "Lesson2_Exercise2: Connecting to Wi-Fi" print statement and then hangs forever without connecting. I have verified the credentials, the wifi security level, have tried flashing the board in secure and non-secure targets to no avail. The board/WIFI were also tested via shell provisioning with the "wifi_cred" command and the same SSID and password work for the shell provisioning, however, I cannot get it to connect with static credentials.

I would love some help! Thank you :)


Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    I'm using the following:

    SDK: v2.6.1

    Toolchain: v2.6.1

    IDE: Cursor v0.35.0

    Cursor is a VSCode clone currently built on VSCode Version: 1.89.1

    Board: nRF7002-DK

    I see the same thing with the solution as well as following the steps. As mentioned I can get the sample code to work through shell provisioning (Exercise steps 12-15) but not through static provisioning (Exercise steps 1-11).


