NCS: Softdevice+Mesh+Ext. Advertising -> TX Power Control?


I have trouble again with TX Power control. This time using Softdevice Controller and NCS2.6.0.

Previous issue which was solved (this was using Zephyr Controller):  NCS Mesh: TX Power register value does not change when changing TX Power via HCI 

Is there a common solution to control TX Power runtime, when running Mesh + Extended Advertising and Softdevice controller?

Thanks in advance! :)

Parents Reply
  • I'm happy to help. I also learn new things and refresh a lot of the rusty bits of knowledge while answering your questions too. Slight smile

    mesh777 said:
    We need to perform spurious emission testing, maybe there are any Nordic guidelines upon that especially related to test firmware?

    This is a rather different topic. May I ask you to open a new case for this? Slight smile
