Flash ERROR with the j-link debugger

Hello I currently have an error when flashing with j-link on a custom board.
The mcu is nRF52833 QDAA and the debugger pin is connected to 4 pins.
In VSCODE, CONNECTD DEVICES in CONNECTD DEVICES, the MCU name comes out at first, but then it doesn't come out immediately. I'm attaching a picture of it. Is there any solution?

  • Hi

    So it shows up as a known nRF52833 device at first, but then changes to UNKNOWN after a small amount of time? This is a custom board correct, what voltage is it supplied with, and what voltage(s) does your J-Link device support?

    Could you perhaps make a private ticket where you upload your HW files so we could do a HW review of your device to make sure everything seems set up correctly? Also, is your nRF52833 already flashed with something or not yet?

    Best regards,


  • Apply a 3.3V voltage to the custom board
    Flashing the nRF52833 custom board for the first time
    This should not happen after that
    Is there a separate voltage applied from the j-link device?
    How do I create a private ticket?

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