Is there an updated example for BLE on nrf5340?


I am learning my way with Zephyr on nrf5340 SoC, an loving it so far. Unfortunately I got stuck on something that should work out of the box, the setup of the BLS subsystem.

There are many examples to be found, but all of them seem to be using older version of the SDK and for some reason they do not work without modifications. I also followed the BLE course but the examples are targeted to different boards since the 5340 has the network stack on the second core.

Everywhere it is suggested to flash the hci_rpmsg example to the network core, but it is nowhere to be found in my sourcetree. I tried with the multiprotocol_rpmsg (should it work the same?) but I get this error

<err> bt_hci_driver: Endpoint binding failed with -11
[00:00:06.736,968] <err> bt_hci_core: HCI driver open failed (-11)
[00:00:06.736,999] <err> ble_manager: Bluetooth init failed (err -11)

Is there a tutorial, guide or updated explanation to setup the BLE on the nrf5340? Of course I have the nrf5340DK board for testing.

Thank you

