RS485 serial communication using XY485

I want to use XY485 converter for serial communication between 485 relay and nrf52832. The converter does not need enable as it does it on its own. I have implemented this with Arduino and it worked but I am not able to do it with nrf52832. 

I have following doubts
1. How to connect 485 relay with nrf board?

2. How to connect 485 relay with XY485?

Following is the connection I have done so far between XY485 and nrf52832

             VCC -> VCC, GND -> GND, TXD -> TX(pin 6), RXD -> RX(pin 8)

Thanks in advance 


  • Hello Harsh,

    You should connect the XY485's receiver input (RXD) to the nRF board's transmit output (TX), and the XY485's transmitter output (TXD) to the nRF board's receive input (RX). This way, when the development board transmits data, it is received by the XY485 module, and when the XY485 module transmits data, it is received by the nRF board.

    nRF Board                    XY485 Module
    ---------                    ------------
        TX  ----------------------->  RXD
        RX  <-----------------------  TXD
    VCC ------------------------ VCC
    GND ------------------------ GND
