NRFX and Zephyr Timer interrupt missing event_type

Hello! I'm working on an application with precise timing and I'm using timers and PPI.

In the callback pulse_end_cb() I seem to get garbage instead of the parameters, which makes it impossible to distinguish which event_type triggered the callback.
A snipped of representative code is below with the steps I'm using to register the IRQ and the callback. I think I have some confusion between the IRQ and the timer event handler, as it seems that the function is registered as callback but also used in the timer_init.

Can somebody clarify how to use this?

Thank you!

static void pulse_end_cb(nrf_timer_event_t event_type, void * p_context){
    // expected 320, but I get a random number instead
    if(event_type != NRF_TIMER_EVENT_COMPARE0){

    LOG_INF("Calling pulse end callback");



IRQ_CONNECT(DT_IRQN(TIMER_NODE), DT_IRQ(TIMER_NODE, priority), nrfx_isr, pulse_end_cb, 0);


err = nrfx_timer_init(&timer, &timer_cfg, pulse_end_cb);
if(err != NRFX_SUCCESS){
    return err;


nrfx_timer_compare(&timer, NRF_TIMER_CC_CHANNEL0, nrfx_timer_us_to_ticks(&timer, duration_us), true);

PS: I took inspiration from this post:

  • I answer myself. After realizing that the ISR event was not cleared, I understood that you are supposed to pass as handler the function from the nrfx library, not your own handler. This makes sure the interrupt flags are cleared, and that your own timer callback is invoked afterwards.

    IRQ_CONNECT(DT_IRQN(TIMER_NODE), DT_IRQ(TIMER_NODE, priority), nrfx_isr, nrfx_timer_3_irq_handler, 0);
