Issue exporting data to csv file from nRF Connect for Desktop (PPK2 device)

I'm presenting an issue when exporting the data collected with the Power Profiler Kit 2 in the software (nRF Connect for Desktop v5.0.0), specifically the digital outputs, they are presented correctly in the Data Logger tab, but when I export to a .csv file, the digital outputs D0 to D7 are not showing the data they actually have in the graph I see on the software.
  • Hi,

    I see that this is your first case so I will give you some input as to what we would like to see w.r.t information in a general Devzone ticket.

    For us to be able to help you it is important to get enough information about your issues/inquiry so that we can properly understand your issues. This is among 

    1. What SDK and version of SDK are you are using
    2. What SoC's you are using
    3. If you have any build or device logs showing the issue, then we recommend that you attach them to your description using insert -> code
    4. If you don't have any logs, then images might also be helpful

    In addition there are a couple of getting started resources I would recommend that you go through, among them are our NCS Fundamentals and Intermediate courses on In the intermediate course there is also a course about debugging, which might be helpful for you to isolate the issue further before you raise an inquiry with a too general issue for us to be able to help.

    Moving on to your issue: 

    hen exporting the data collected, specifically the digital outputs, they are exporting incorrectly, but in the Data Logger tab they are presented correctly

    This is where an image or other attachment would be great to have. What do you mean with "incorrectly"? To us this could mean anything. Do you see the values in decimal in one place but in hex in the other place? Do you see different ascii values in the two places? Please expand upon this if possible

    Kind regards,

  • This is the log window.

    2024-06-19T13:10:08.962Z INFO Initialising nrfutil module: device
    2024-06-19T13:10:08.975Z DEBUG Application data folder: C:\Users\andyd\AppData\Roaming\nrfconnect\pc-nrfconnect-ppk
    2024-06-19T13:10:09.043Z DEBUG Sending event "ppk: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-19T13:10:09.043Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-ppk v4.1.1 (official)
    2024-06-19T13:10:09.043Z DEBUG App path: C:\Users\andyd\.nrfconnect-apps\node_modules\pc-nrfconnect-ppk
    2024-06-19T13:10:09.044Z DEBUG nRFConnect 5.0.0, required by the app is (>=4.4.1)
    2024-06-19T13:10:09.044Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: C:\Users\andyd\AppData\Local\Programs\nrfconnect\resources\app.asar
    2024-06-19T13:10:09.044Z DEBUG HomeDir: C:\Users\andyd
    2024-06-19T13:10:09.044Z DEBUG TmpDir: C:\Users\andyd\AppData\Local\Temp
    2024-06-19T13:10:10.393Z DEBUG Sending event "ppk: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-19T13:10:12.600Z DEBUG Sending event "ppk: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-19T13:10:12.600Z DEBUG Sending event "ppk: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-19T13:10:12.605Z DEBUG Sending event "ppk: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-19T13:10:12.927Z INFO Using nrfutil-device core version: 7.12.0
    2024-06-19T13:10:13.511Z INFO Using nrfutil-device version: 2.1.1
    2024-06-19T13:10:13.511Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.17.5
    2024-06-19T13:10:13.511Z INFO Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.24.0
    2024-06-19T13:10:13.511Z INFO Using JLink version: JLink_V7.94e
    2024-06-19T13:10:14.228Z INFO Restoring state from D:\WORK\PROJECT\ESP-IDF_PROJECTS\SHM-SENSOR-NODE\Current-Measurement-CR-2.ppk2
    2024-06-19T13:10:14.733Z INFO Decompression session information to C:\Users\andyd\AppData\Local\Temp\88691e41-bbb0-46bc-94d7-74bd748eaf7c
    2024-06-19T13:10:14.734Z DEBUG Loading temporary ppk session file sessionFile C:\Users\andyd\AppData\Local\Temp\88691e41-bbb0-46bc-94d7-74bd748eaf7c
    2024-06-19T13:12:26.338Z INFO Exported CSV to: D:\WORK\PROJECT\ESP-IDF_PROJECTS\SHM-SENSOR-NODE\Current-Measurement-CR-2.csv
    2024-06-19T13:12:26.340Z DEBUG Sending event "ppk: Export data"

    With SDK I guess you mean what I show in this first image. 

    Sorry I didn't explain myself in a good way. These images show what I meant, "incorrectly" means that the digital outputs don't have the values I see in the graph in the software.

    The digital outputs are organized as D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7.

    In the following image below, at timestamp 30286ms, digital outputs should be 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0, but the file shows different values, like if they were inverted.

    In the following bellow, timestamp 36262ms, digital outputs should be 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0, but the exported file shows different values

    n the following bellow, timestamp 36291ms, digital outputs should be 00000100, although there's a falling edge at that exact timestamp, but the exported file shows different values, and those 'X' which I don't know what they mean.

  • Hi again,

    Could you share the PPK export (not CSV file but the PPK2 file)?

    Kind regards,

  • Hi again,

    Here's a PR for the bug fix 

    Looks like it might've been an endinaness issue after all. The fix should be added to the next PPK fw release

    Kind regards,

  • Thanks a lot ;););). So to fix it I should wait til the next update, right?

  • Yes, the fix will be tested and released after the fix is confirmed. ETA the upcoming week, but it might change depending on complications with the testing

    Also thank you for reporting the issue in the first place

    Kind regards,

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