Zigbee FOTA img not confirmed

Hello DevZone,

I am working in VS Code and nRF Connect SDK 2.6.0. Developing battery powered Zigbee device. I have an issue with FOTA - it started to rollback after update to the previous version. I started FOTA upgrade and after it finished I checked firmware version - it was latest. In RTT after update I saw log msg:"img NOT confirmed" and after next reboot firmware version is rolled back.

I've read info here - https://docs.nordicsemi.com/bundle/ncs-latest/page/nrf/libraries/zigbee/zigbee_fota.html

And I see this function https://docs.zephyrproject.org/apidoc/latest/group__mcuboot__api.html#ga95ccc9e1c7460fec16b9ce9ac8ad7a72

But I didn't found it's use in any Zigbee examples. Is it called from bootloader? Do I need to use it in main.c?

Can you please help me with resolving this issue? Where do I need to start to look for errors?
