NRF9160 SIP uart communication with STM32 MCU


I'm trying to control nrf9160 SIP from stm32 MCU via AT Commands. Should I program on the nrf9160 the AT_CLIENT sample for this purpose or is not neccesary?

I'm trying to do that but I'm not been able and i can't find a tuotorial or guide about how to do it... 

Thanks in advance, 

Best Regards! 

Parents Reply
  • Hi!

    with this build I flashed the nrf9160-DK and I connected an FTDI wire to the DK pins (P0.05, P0.06, P0.14, P.015) and I'm able to communicate sending AT commands using NRF serial terminal app but, If I flash the same build to my custom board and I connect the FTDI in the same way, using the NRF serial terminal app, I don't get a response from the nrf on my custom board.

    Any idea of what could be the problem?

    thanks in advance!
