PPK2 stops power input for short periods of time in ampere mode causing device to reboot.


Wiring 1:

wiring 2:

Background to the case: We tested this with 2 different ppk2s and always got the same results. Our custom board works fine if we wire it directly to the battery or use the ppk2 in source mode as a power supply. The problems start when we try to connect the battery to the ppk2 in amp mode to measure how much current the PCB draws. It seems that the PPK stops supplying power to the PCB for short periods of time, causing the PCB to restart on a regular basis. We have tested wiring 1 and wiring 2 several times. The results are the same.

What could cause this behaviour?

General info:
battery 3V 950mAh
Power Profiler v4.1.1

Best regards,

Parents Reply
  • Hi Arttu,


    Thanks for providing these details.

    What type of battery are you using? You mention 3V, do you mean 3.7V? 

    Arttu said:
    Our custom board is using nrf9160. Peak currents are up to 500mA when modem is connecting.
    peak currents shouldnt matter cause  ppk caused many reboots during sleep current (below 4µA).

    Is the issue when going from PSM to LTE_ACTIVE state? ie. from 4 uA to >100 mA? Do you have a trace of such a reboot-issue?


    Have you tried monitoring VBAT while this occurs to see if it goes below 3.0V and triggers a brown-out reset?


    Kind regards,

