how to use dtm example?



hi professor,

     I want to use dtm to test blue RF. After i compile dtm example by vs code and download merge.hex by nrf connect sdk programmer,the uart not work.I think the merge.hex is not downloaded to chip.So I connect programmer again,It show protect memory and need to erase all.So how to use dtm example? 

  • Yes, it should be fine to change the UART pin on your end as well. Does the application build as expected in VS code, or how are you building the project exactly on your end?

    Also, how do you change the pinout exactly on your end? Check out the nRF Connect SDK courses available on the DevAcademy to get yourself familiarized with how you should edit, build and flash sample projects onto your own board/DK here.

    Best regards,


  • Yes, it should be fine to change the UART pin on your end as well. Does the application build as expected in VS code, or how are you building the project exactly on your end?

    Also, how do you change the pinout exactly on your end? Check out the nRF Connect SDK courses available on the DevAcademy to get yourself familiarized with how you should edit, build and flash sample projects onto your own board/DK here.

    Best regards,


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