nrf_dfu_flash_store change to QSPI function -> callback issue in nrfx_qspi_write


I'm chnaging the Secure Bootloader to an external falsh for bank1, connected with QSPI.

In the function on_data_obj_write_request is the call for nrf_dfu_flash_store (file nrf_dfu_req_handler.c

static void on_data_obj_write_request(nrf_dfu_request_t * p_req, nrf_dfu_response_t * p_res)

    if (!nrf_dfu_validation_init_cmd_present())
        /* Can't accept data because DFU isn't initialized by init command. */

    uint32_t const data_object_offset = s_dfu_settings.progress.firmware_image_offset -

    if ((p_req->write.len + data_object_offset) > s_dfu_settings.progress.data_object_size)
        /* Can't accept data because too much data has been received. */
        NRF_LOG_ERROR("Write request too long");
        p_res->result = NRF_DFU_RES_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER;

    uint32_t const write_addr = m_firmware_start_addr + s_dfu_settings.write_offset;
    /* CRC must be calculated before handing off the data to fstorage because the data is
     * freed on write completion.
    uint32_t const next_crc =
        crc32_compute(p_req->write.p_data, p_req->write.len, &s_dfu_settings.progress.firmware_image_crc);


    ret_code_t ret =
        nrf_dfu_flash_store(write_addr, p_req->write.p_data, p_req->write.len, p_req->callback.write);

    if (ret != NRF_SUCCESS)
        /* When nrf_dfu_flash_store() fails because there is no space in the queue,
         * stop processing the request so that the peer can detect a CRC error
         * and retransmit this object. Remember to manually free the buffer !

    /* Update the CRC of the firmware image. */
    s_dfu_settings.write_offset                   += p_req->write.len;
    s_dfu_settings.progress.firmware_image_offset += p_req->write.len;
    s_dfu_settings.progress.firmware_image_crc     = next_crc;

    /* This is only used when the PRN is triggered and the 'write' message
     * is answered with a CRC message and these field are copied into the response.
    p_res->write.crc    = s_dfu_settings.progress.firmware_image_crc;
    p_res->write.offset = s_dfu_settings.progress.firmware_image_offset;

There is a callback which is needed:

ret_code_t ret =
        nrf_dfu_flash_store(write_addr, p_req->write.p_data, p_req->write.len, p_req->callback.write);

inside this function I use the QSPI function:

hal_qspi_write(&p_src, len, (dest & EXTERNAL_FLASH_ADDRESS_LOWER_BYTES), (void*)callback))

which at the end is calling the nrfx function nrfx_qspi_write. 

Here I should have a callback, but I don't know what I should implement.

The original callback in the nrf_fstorage_write is implemented like this:
return (p_fs->p_api)->write(p_fs, dest, p_src, len, p_context);

ret_code_t nrf_fstorage_write(nrf_fstorage_t const * p_fs,
                              uint32_t               dest,
                              void           const * p_src,
                              uint32_t               len,
                              void                 * p_context)

    /* Length must be a multiple of the program unit. */
    NRF_FSTORAGE_PARAM_CHECK(!(len % p_fs->p_flash_info->program_unit), NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH);

    /* Source and destination addresses must be word-aligned. */
    NRF_FSTORAGE_PARAM_CHECK(addr_is_aligned32(dest),                NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR);
    NRF_FSTORAGE_PARAM_CHECK(addr_is_aligned32((uint32_t)p_src),     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR);
    NRF_FSTORAGE_PARAM_CHECK(addr_is_within_bounds(p_fs, dest, len), NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR);

    return (p_fs->p_api)->write(p_fs, dest, p_src, len, p_context);

Now the DFU is strating on bank1 but the App is generating an error because data is missing because of this callack I guess?

I was following this topic:


    After testing I recognized that the Update is working if I do a software reset, meaning the nrf52 is still under power. If I do a hardware reset, the update is not starting, but I don't know why. because the new application is still in the external flash and the start Bit setted with the function sd_power_gpregret_set should be avilable even after power loss or am I wrong? Or is the eason maybe because the bootloader didin't checked the bank0 and bank1 valid flags?

    Any idea?


    After testing I recognized that the Update is working if I do a software reset, meaning the nrf52 is still under power. If I do a hardware reset, the update is not starting, but I don't know why. because the new application is still in the external flash and the start Bit setted with the function sd_power_gpregret_set should be avilable even after power loss or am I wrong? Or is the eason maybe because the bootloader didin't checked the bank0 and bank1 valid flags?

    Any idea?

  • Hello,

    Sorry for the late reply. 

    Actually, the retained registers are not available after a power loss. You can see from this table that the retained registers are reset in a few cases:

    Watchdog reset, pin reset, brownout reset or power-on reset. 

    So if you intend to keep this after a power loss, then you need to use some other method to decide whether to enter DFU or not. Perhaps store something in flash, or the external flash.

    Best regards,

