Orange LED light up in Jlink while trying to flash the code

Hi all, 

I am working on Fantel BT40F which uses nrf 5340 soc. I have finished my breadboard testing phase with the development kit and now I am working on Integrated pcb design board. My problem is when I try to flash the code into my PCB the orange light glows in the jlink and I get two error codes error 33 an 43 from time to time. I havent made any changes in my project configuration file compared to what I had when I worked on the DK. I am just tring to flash the basic blinky project into my PCB, just to check if it flashes but it doesn't so far. If any one has worked with the pcb, your help would be really appreciated in this matter. I am attaching the screenshots of errors I am getting when trying to flash the code. 

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi,

    Error 33 means there is some communication problem between the J-Link and SoC. Error 43 suggests that the device did not respond properly to the debug initialization commands. This could be dues to the system clocks.

    Could you verify that your connections between the debugger and the 5340SoC on the board are fine? Also make sure you have connected all pins properly. Unstable power supply can also cause these problems.

    Could you check that your reset pin is connected properly?

    Even though the module has an LF crystal, just make sure that the firmware configuration matches your hardware setup. These incorrect LF clock settings can cause communication problems.

    If you still face issues, is it possible to try flashing using another external debugger? This can help isolate the problem to your current debugger.


