NFC record text don't display on iOS


When using the NFC record example, bringing an Android phone close to the NFC tag automatically pops up and displays the text content, but an iOS phone does not automatically pop up and display it. Is there a solution for this?

SDK 17.1 on nRF52832

Parents Reply
  • Hi Priyanka,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Based on your statement, I feel there might be some misunderstanding regarding my question. I'm not saying that third-party apps on iOS don't support NFC reading. Rather, it's that the iOS system itself cannot display the NFC text content. When I use the record_text example, an Android phone can scan the NFC and display the text content, whereas an iOS phone triggers the NFC_T4T_EVENT_FIELD_ON and NFC_T4T_EVENT_FIELD_OFF events but does not display the text content.
