Bluetooth Mesh -> When associating a vendor model to an Element, the Nordic Mesh App fails to retrieve the models if there are more than one model.

When creating a Bluetooth Mesh Vendor model ( and if the vendor model is associated to the first element:

static const struct bt_mesh_elem elements[] = {
BT_MESH_ELEM(0, root_models, vnd_sampleModel ),
//BT_MESH_ELEM(1, sensrvModel, BT_MESH_MODEL_NONE ), // For some reason enabling further Models makes the NRF app unable to get the models.

The Mesh App works fine and can retrieve the node available models, including the vendor one, and work with it.  The same is true if instead of vnd_sampleModel it is replaced by the standard BT_MESH_MODE_NONE. So nothing new here.

The issue arises, if, for example, on the above case the Element 1 is activated. If Element 0, has the vendor model set as none, the Mesh app works fine and can retrieve both Element 0 and Element 1.

If however the vendor model is declared either on the Element 0 or Element 1, the Mesh app fails to retrieve the available models.

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